Let Washington Know!

Just fill in the form below and click submit. The contact information is not shared with anyone with the exceptions of who the information is intended for. As time goes on, the chosen topics will be charted on this site.

I, Dale Beckman, Jr. (DBJ), realize that there is a great need for the people to be heard directly by Washington. This is one reason why I have personally created this site as a free public service. When you click the submission button, the data will be sent to the proper officials along with a petition that my name be considered to be placed on the presidential ballot as an independent candidate.

I hope that you will find this an easy way to let the lawmakers in Washington know how you feel on matters. I personally believe that it is very important! I hope you can keep me in mind, when it comes to voting for the President of the United States of America. What other candidate has personally created their own website to ask the people that make up this great country their opinions and take their feelings to Washington or has sent letters to over 120 nations, during the General Assembly at the UN, in September, with ideas on pursuing peace and stabilizing world markets?

Thank you!